October 2024

Leadership Message

Angie Buchanan

Hello and welcome to the October edition of the OpenLine!

I want to start off by congratulating a couple of you who have performed exceptionally well and joined the ranks of Driver and Rookie of the Month. Our latest Driver of the Month is Matthew, and our Rookie of the Month is Michael. Thank you both for your hard work and dedication to being safe while being productive.

With the winter months upon us, it is an excellent time to talk about winter driving. If you determine that local weather or road conditions have become such that continuing a trip would be hazardous, please park your truck in a safe location and do not continue until road conditions have improved.

It is required for commercial vehicles over 10,000 lbs. to carry traction devices, but it is Melton’s policy to avoid using chains. Please always factor in weather advisories and changing road conditions and stop before chain use is necessary.

Winter Driving Tips:

  • Be Proactive: Know weather conditions before you arrive in an area. Detailed trip planning is key.
  • Remain Aware: Keep an eye out for signs of winter weather along your route – ice on mirrors, accidents, etc.
  • Double Your Following Distance: Try to maintain at least 16 seconds.
  • Slow down!

Winter Survival Tips:

  • Keep Several Layers of Clothing Available: Always wear dry, warm clothing. Switch out socks, gloves, etc. if wet.
  • Be Prepared: Keep extra food and water on the truck just in case you get stopped somewhere unexpected.

I want to give a shout-out to our Melton Road Trainers who are guiding the next generation of drivers and to our Melton Mentors that answer calls after hours and on the weekend to help support our fleet.  Please always call our Mentor hotline if you have questions and cannot reach the safety team. That number is 866-938-1319!

I’ll close with a HUGE thank you to all of the great people who make Melton Truck Lines a success and a quick reminder to wear your PPE. 


I look forward to seeing you next time you’re at the Tulsa Terminal! 

Melissa Stephan

Director of Safety

Driver & Rookie of the Month

February Driver of the Month

July Driver of the Month

Congratulations to our newest Driver of the Month, Matthew! Matthew has been driving for Melton for 21 years, but has been driving trucks for over 30 years total. He is originally…see more

February Rookie of the Month

July Rookie of the Month

Please congratulate this month’s Rookie of the Month, Michael! Michael started with us last December, with Melton being his first OTR job after graduating CDL school.  …see more


Every month we receieve lots of amazing photos from our drivers from their time on the road. If you have a photo you’d like to share, send an email to [email protected].

Wellness & Safety Articles

Schedule Your Mammogram!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States, except for skin cancers. It accounts..see more

Driver sitting at the wheel

Winter Driving Tips

October is here, and it’s a reminder that winter is just around the corner. As icy roads and snowy…see more

Monthly Poll

Which of these Halloween candies is your favorite? 🍬

See last month’s results: Which seasaon is your favorite?

Leave us a Review!

We’re always looking for Melton team members to share their opinions with us. If you want to share your experience working for Melton, we encourage you to leave an honest review on your platform of choice. You can visit our Glassdoor page below!


Here are some positive messages we receieved about both office staff and drivers for this month! If you’d like to give kudos to a coworker, please send it to [email protected].

A big thank you to Jonathan for being a stand-up dude and a great example of what it looks like to be an awesome coworker. As soon as I got parked with my inbound load in Laredo this afternoon, Jonathan appeared out of nowhere and immediately began helping me remove 12 chains and binders, remove and roll up my tarp, and assisted me in getting my coil racks and dunnage swapped out at the equipment shed 5 minutes before it closed for the day.

His assistance allowed me to have enough time to get under my new “get home” load and make it a hundred miles closer to the house than I would have otherwise. Thanks man, you are the bomb diggity my friend!

Steve, Melton Driver


Nothing like meeting a good driver at a shipper going to the same place you are. Decided to run convoy, and he ended up helping me install a CB, went half and half with me on steaks, and cooked them for us on a beautiful cool day in California. Been one hell of a fun trip and made one hell of a good friend. Most importantly, he showed me by far the most beautiful way to tarp suicide coils. David is a cool dude with wisdom for decades!! I’ve learned a lot from this driver.

Tim, Melton Driver


Well, that was fun! Thanks to all the drivers that came through for a truck wash (I am going to be sore tomorrow). Matt, Angie, Dustin, and I all got our workout today. Rebecca, the DM for Fleet 31, was there too, but she had wheel duty so you can’t see her in the picture!! I did more than take pictures I promise!

Jac, Fuel Conservation Advisor


My DM, Rory, is a real professional. He’s always eager to help, even when you can tell he’s got a full plate. Outside of work, he’s also a pal. I told him about my wife having a heart attack. He could sense I was bothered, and after talking with him, I felt better, and he was adamant on making sure I was able to get home. And on the flip side, we talked about his back, and I gave him some pointers on how I beat my sciatica with push-ups. I can’t say anything bad about him; he has a great attitude, which is important. I’m glad to be a member of Fleet 25.

Anonymous WorkHound


My DM Josh of Fleet 39 has been a great help, especially with sending Macros like fuel solutions, repowers, or ETA updates. Anytime I call he’s always very respectful and listens to any concerns I may have, as well as any issues I may encounter on the road. I really appreciate his hard work and dedication to help me as a new Melton driver.

Anonymous WorkHound


Tiffany is my DM on Fleet 17.  She is amazing, I couldn’t wish for a better DM than the one I have.  I’m a new driver and she has been amazing and patient, especially when I make mistakes. I hope to be able to meet her in person someday and be able to thank her in person for what she does.

Anonymous WorkHound


My husband and I are both drivers, and we noticed something wonderful and rare today; I wanted to bring it to your attention! James in truck 15918 seems to be a trainer and has his trainee practicing backing in a parking lot with other trucks around. However, he’s not just sitting in the passenger seat observing; he is out walking around the truck as the student backs and has the student getting out and looking. He talks to him and has him observe everything he’s doing. He is teaching him the simple things that some drivers nowadays forget, like being courteous to other drivers as they back in, giving them space, watching out for walking traffic and giving them the right of way.

I know these things seem small and irrelevant, but it is refreshing to see a trainer take the time to teach the parts of trucking that so many of us quickly forget!



The cons for a load called in and wanted to give kudos to David. He said when David came to unload, he was very professional. He said his day wasn’t going the best and when our driver showed up, he was like a ray of light. Very polite, professional, and very kind. He said whoever trained him did an amazing job. He had nothing but good things to say about this driver. I wanted to make sure to get this email out, so he gets the kudos he deserves!

Valerie, Extended Coverage


Get Involved

We’re excited to share all of the activities that have been happening at Melton during the month!


Be sure to congratulate these staff members who have hit tenure milestones with Melton!

New Hires & Movement

Congratulations to all of the new hires and movement this month! Meet the newest members of the team here.