Rainy-Day Fund Program
Melton is proud to pay our drivers loaded and empty miles, so you get paid for your work invested even if Melton had to deadhead you to reposition or take a load for a loss as a company to get you to a better area. However, you will still see some ups and downs in your weekly miles for many reasons including freight environment or home time planning. Fortunately, Comdata offers a savings option you can use as a rainy-day fund on those shorter mile weeks, as a fund in the event of a personal emergency, or however you choose.
How it Works:
1. You can use this form to specify an amount from your weekly paycheck to first be placed on the personal checking side of your Comdata card, then the rest will be placed in your regular bank account(s) on file.
2. To use your Rainy-Day Fund, you will need the pin you set when you first received your Comdata card to pull it from the checking side. It can be used like a debit card to pull cash at an ATM 24/7.
a. To view or check your savings and usage, please consider downloading the Comdata app “Driven for Comdata”.
b. If you cannot remember your pin or have issues with the app, please contact Comdata Customer Services at 1-866-288-9990.
c. Pay is available on the Comdata card on Friday at 8 am CST.
Potential Savings & Suggestions:
Below are a few examples of what you can save by utilizing this free option.
• You can start off small by saving $25 per week – in 6 months you can save up to $650 and in 1 year that is $1300!
• Consider saving $100 per week – in 6 months you can save up to $2600 and in 1 year that is $5200!
The possibilities are endless in what you can save and how it can benefit you during your journey. As always, we appreciate your hard work and want you to have the tools you need to succeed.
If you have any questions about this program, please contact Driver Services at (918) 270-9613.