Melton Influencer Program

Join our award-winning, influencer program!

As an Influencer you represent Melton in a whole new way and have the opportunity to directly educate and attract new drivers to Melton. We encourage you to read over our guidelines in the attached document and summarized below. We look forward to all the valuable videos that you will make showcasing your experience at Melton!

Check out some of our current driver’s content!


  • Post a minimum of 4 videos / month to your preferred platform using the #meltonlife in the description.
      • Some influencers may make less than 4 videos a month. Drivers will still be paid if the cumulative total views from one month’s videos surpasses 4,000 views on YouTube or 7,000 views on TikTok.
  • We’re more than happy to help suggest content ideas, but we hope most of the content comes from what you care about in the job! It’s your story to tell.
  • Negative comments and feedback should be delivered through the most appropriate and direct channels for feedback. Those are not social media. Please contact your Driver Manager or Driver Services should you have negative feedback you’re needing to communicate. We’re more than happy to address your concerns but finding out you have an issue through online videos is not something we want nor is it effective in getting the problem resolved.
  • Keep cursing and inappropriate comments to a minimum – remember, you’re representing Melton.
  • Wear PPE when securing/demonstrating, crawl if and when securing on top of a load, and the phone/filming device needs to be in the bunk when you’re driving.
  • Paste your unique referral link in your bio, descriptions, etc. to earn referral bonuses! See the attached flyer for instructions.

How Much Can I Earn?

*Driver will be paid if they meet the requirements listed above for each subsequent month.

Bonus Opportunities

Drivers will have the chance to make a bonus of $25 for each video that reaches these engagement thresholds. For example, if you make 4 videos that each reach one of these metrics, you will take home an extra $100!

YouTube – 1,500 views

Instagram – 1,000 engagements

TikTok – 5,000 views


  • Driver should add their TENSTREET Referral code to their videos or profile links.

Drivers will not only be paid for the videos they make, they will also earn referrals. Drivers can expect to make $750- $1,000 for each referral. Some drivers have earned as much as $10,000 on referrals per year.


    TikTok Best Practices
    Do… Don’t…
    • Follow relevant sounds and trends and recreate them yourself – try coming up with ideas based on things you see on your feed.
    • Create and post as frequently as possible for a better chance of being featured on other’s feeds.
    • Make videos that appeal to your specific audience. In this case, those interested in the transportation industry!
    • Take inspiration from creators similar to you and see what performs the best for them.
    • Post videos in the middle of the day, if you can. Most users are more active in the morning and at night.
    • Make content that is irrelevant to your audience.
    • Create long-form videos frequently. Most videos should be 30 seconds or less.
    • Forget to be mindful of the content you post. As a Melton influencer, your account reflects directly on our company.
    YouTube Best Practices
    Do… Don’t…
    • Be consistent with uploads and try your best to keep to a schedule. Once a week will be enough for this program, but feel free to create more.
    • Take the time to make compelling thumbnails for your videos to entice potential viewers.
    • Create a series on your channel so viewers are recommended to watch multiple videos from your channel.
    • Collaborate with other content creators to unite your audiences.
    • Forget to keep an eye on your analytics page to keep track of how your videos perform. 
    • Forget to add searchable keywords to your title and description. Try things like “OTR,” “trucking,” or “Melton.”
    • Use any copywritten music or other protected content in your videos to prevent your videos from getting taken down.
    • Ignore comments with feedback from your viewers. Use them as a chance to improve!


    TIPS AND TRICKS FOR Influencers

    Looking for tips to get started as a Melton influencer? Check out the resources below for advice, resources, editing tutorials, and more. 

    For more information, text 918-804-9887 or email McKenzie Nord at [email protected]