A Melton truck parked in the sunset with a tarp over a load

Operation Safe Driver Week 2024: What You Need to Know

The CVSA’s annual Operation Safe Driver Week is scheduled to take place between July 7th and July 13th. This initiative focuses on identifying and curbing unsafe driving behaviors among both passenger and commercial vehicle drivers, so anyone on the roads needs to stay informed. If you’re unfamiliar with this initiative, here’s a quick recap:

What is Operation Safe Driver and Operation Safe Driver Week?

Operation Safe Driver is a program launched by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance in 2007 that focuses on promoting safe driving behaviors. Operation Safe Driver Week is held annually in partnership with the FMCSA, local and state law enforcement, and industry leaders across Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Its main goal is to provide education and closely target unsafe driving behaviors by commercial vehicle (CV) drivers and car drivers.

During Operation Safe Driver Week, law enforcement personnel and inspectors will be on high alert for drivers acting with reckless or dangerous behaviors. You may notice an uptick in checkpoints, roadside inspections, and outreach messages from your local DMV

What’s the Focus of Operation Safe Driver Week 2024?

Each year, the CVSA highlights an unsafe driving behavior for the week to focus on. This year, the CVSA confirmed that the primary focus of 2024 is reckless, careless, or dangerous driving. A person who drives a vehicle with disregard for the safety of persons or property is driving recklessly. Careless and/or dangerous driving is operating a vehicle without care, attention, or reasonable consideration for other people or motorists on the road. Any sort of unsafe behavior, like speeding, texting and driving, failing to obey road signs, and more can be the reason for a warning or citation.

Melton truck parked in front of a line of trees

How Can Drivers Prepare for Operation Safe Driver Week?

Luckily, CVSA citations can be avoided by practicing the same safe driving procedures you already know. Make sure your seatbelt is always on, distractions are out of sight, and you’re paying close attention to what your vehicle is doing as well as the actions of others around you. Staying alert and aware is the best way to stay safe on the road.

What’s the Impact of Operation Safe Driver?

Reports from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that effective, high-visibility communication and outreach are essential for successful transportation safety programs. Operation Safe Driver Week aims to improve the safety of our roads through proactive outreach and enforcement.

In 2023, over 4,500 warnings and 2,600 tickets/citations were issued to commercial vehicles, and over 1,100 warnings and 1,800 tickets/citations to passenger vehicles. Additionally, the CVSA mailed out nearly 65,000 postcards, and their digital outreach campaign delivered more than 13 million impressions.

With over 243 million drivers on the road as of 2023 in the United States alone, addressing unsafe driving behaviors through responsive traffic enforcement is a priority. Over 500,000 accidents occur each year with reckless or careless driving being cited as the primary cause, meaning it’s important that everyone on the road works together to keep each other safe.

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